Contact Brian Clifton
If you like my approach and need analytics expertise and experience, you can hire me (and the team) via Search Integration. We are a small international advisory company that specialise in growing in-house data expertise. We deliver award-winning solutions based on Google Analytics, scientific knowledge, and international marketing experience. Located in Helsingborg, south Sweden, we work with major organisations/brands across Europe (and a few in the US).
Without hiring me, you can try Verified Data – a Google Analytics audit tool taking a systematic and forensic approach to data quality and governance. Note, this development based on the methods I describe in the 2015 book Successful Analytics. Verified Data automates the audit process of finding governance and accuracy issues, so you can fix them before they become serious. It is now a separate venture with its own dedicated team.
From Chapter 10 of the book Successful Analytics
Speaking Invitations
As a professional keynote speaker, I have had the privilege of speaking at a number of excellent industry events around the world, particularly in Europe – for example: Superweek, Marketing Analytics Summits, E-commerce Growth summit, Bowen & Craggs Conference. Currently I present on data accuracy and data governance (privacy, consent, GDPR).
If you would like me to speak at your event, please forward your request and allow at least two month’s notice period! (brian [at] advanced-web-metrics dot com is my email address).